Tuesday 16 July 2013

'The time is near' (Luke 21:8)

"Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom"


First of all I would like to tell you what happened before we left Guinea. Mainly about the garbage site because I have spent the most time there. At the moment, 21 children who live on the garbage site in Conakry have been registered with the government and as a result can now attend school for the next year. A uniform, schoolbag, learning materials, ID card and one year’s school fees have been paid, all made possible by donations. Also a group of adults have met weekly for Bible study and are now attending a local church. Because we spent seven months with the people, and became good friends, it was hard to say goodbye when we left Conakry with the ship.


Guinea Field Service (Sept 2012-June 2013)

1,475 Cataract surgeries/3,706 pairs of glasses distributed/13,483 eye evaluations/176 cleft lip/palate repair surgeries/490 maxillofacial surgeries for head/neck tumors/1,433 physio and occupational therapy services/312 general surgeries (hernia repairs, goiter)/63 repairs of VVF (vesicovaginal fistulae)/116 orthopedics surgeries (51 clubfoot corrections)/12,209 dental patients treatedPalliative care at home for 29 terminally ill patients.

Also I flew to Liberia for a couple of days to meet my good friend Feti. I stayed with my friends Mambu and Anneke, who do great work to supply remote villages with water wells. I had a wonderful time with Feti even though I noticed a decline in his health from the last time I saw him. I am always encouraged to hear that he knows he will meet Jesus when his life here is over. On the last day I saw him, he asked me if he could come with me to Holland. It was hard for me to explain to him that it was not possible.
 After leaving Guinea we had a wonderful sail where we saw dolphins and whales en route to Las Palmas. I worked for two weeks in the shipyard, organizing the annual testing for life saving equipment and fire gear. Then it was time to leave with Carolyn to Holland, Northern Ireland and England. We spent time with our families and friends for one week. It was good to be with our family and friends again, short but blessed.

On another note I have decided to stay longer on the Africa Mercy than planned. How long it will be, I don’t know yet.
Now I am back on the ship in Las Palmas getting ready for the short sail to Tenerife. We have received most new certifications that we need, but are still waiting on a few. Next week we will sail to Tenerife, stay for one week, and then at the end of July we will set course for Pointe-Noire, Congo. In the Congo many people are already waiting for medical help. Thank you so much for all your support, prayers, gifts (some anonymous), and encouraging emails and cards.  

 The time is near. Many signs point to the soon return of our Lord Jesus. In the meantime we may help the people who are in need and encourage them before we will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory (Luke 21:28).  
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the work I do. May God bless you all.
Greetings, Daniel, Las Palmas.



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NKJ John 3:14 "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.